MESA+ Institute

MESA+ Institute

One of the most advanced laboratories in the world for nanoscale research is MESA+ Institute, situated  at the University at Twente. Everything here revolves around stability, control and safety. The Mesa+ Nanolab includes a cleanroom with a low-vibration floor, a Complex Oxide Materials system, a Transmission Electron Microscope and a Scanning Electron Microscope.

At MESA+, they believe in realising grand solutions with the extremely small. They contribute to solving current and future societal challenges. They do this by using their fascination with the extremely small. They bring societal challenges inside and use their fascination to work on innovative and sustainable solutions. MESA+ focuses on societal challenges in four application areas: Health, AgriFood & Water, Security, and Energy & Sustainability.

With their research, they contribute to a fair, sustainable and digital society.


Embracing a cross-disciplinary approach and benefiting from the MESA+ NanoLab, over 500 researchers deliver high quality, frequently ground-breaking research. MESA+ actively seeks collaboration with external partners providing an excellent setting for consortium formation. Next to their excellent scientists and facilities, they offer a strong regional ecosystem that creates the breeding ground to let ideas blossom and grow to relevant, successful solutions and businesses.

Read more about this state-of-the-art institute


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