PIC Summit Europe 2024 | Side event
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PIC Summit Europe 2024 | Side event

PIC Summit Europe 2024 | Side event

08:30 - 13:45
Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Photonic chips, also known as Photonic Integrated Circuit (PIC), harnesses the power of light to create energy-efficient, faster, and more accurate microchips. These enable new applications, such as LiDAR, innovative networking solutions and all kinds of sensing solutions for agrifood, maintenance and medical challenges. PIC Summit Europe 2024, taking place 15-16 October in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, attracts the leading lights from across the photonic chip industry, which makes the event one of the most influential events in the industry.

Two whole days dedicated to discussion, collaboration, and innovation with key international opinion leaders from across this thriving industry. The conference offers a rich programme – featuring keynotes from semicon executives, users of photonic chip technology, EU policymakers, and the wider photonic chip community to discuss the future of the global industry. In addition to the plenary sessions and panel discussions, attendees can enjoy numerous networking opportunities and engaging workshops.

What to expect?

Photonic chip technology

PIC Summit Europe is all about photonic chip technology and its applications. A technology that harnesses the power of light to create energy-efficient, faster, and more accurate microchips. Join and discover the latest developments.

Rich programme & networking dinner

The conference offers a rich programme with topics ranging from technology policy making, R&D, Heterogeneous Integration and industry applications like LiDAR and sensing. Next to this you can enjoy the many networking opportunities.

Wednesday 16 October: Quantum Photonics side event

PIC Summit Europe hosts multiple side events that will zoom in on current and pressing topics in the photonic chip industry such as talent attraction, startup funding, Quantum Photonics and roadmapping activities.

08:30h        Walk-in and registration
09:30h        Start of session part 1
10:45h        Morning break
11:30h        Session part 2
12:45h        End of programme, start of the networking lunch @ PIC Summit Europe Expo
13:45h        End of the event

You are free to take part in the afternoon programme.

More information follows.



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