The PIC International conference will take place on 8-9 April in Brussels, Belgium and is expected to attract more than 90 exhibitors and over 800 delegates. In parallel and in the same venue there is also the Circuits International and Power Electronics International conferences.
Will you join us?
Last year PhotonDelta has shared a triple booth with the following ecosystem partners:
- Rapid Photonics
- ALUVIA Photonics
- SuperLight Photonics
- Ommatidia LiDAR
- Epiphany
- Tyndall University/ICFO
What’s the deal?
The cost per delegate will be € 895 which is the same as a regular conference pass. What they offer for this amount:
- shared booth with your company logo
- delegate list
- shared LCD screen for your company videos
- 1 conference pass
Per organization you can also participate with more than one delegate, cost per additional delegates is also € 895.
Please note that there only a limited number of packages available, we recommend confirming your participation the soonest possible.
Want to join?
To confirm your participation please go to the online form. Please keep in mind that we have a limited capacity of participants. Click here for the online form.
Program Office
ChipTech Twente
T: +31 (0)6 42 11 07 39
Privacy & Terms
The Gallery (unit Oost NL/ChipTech Twente)
Hengelosestraat 500
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