
Cluster Update | July 2023

Cluster Update | July 2023

National strategy for semicon, pitching for Competence Centers in Europe and a stand at Semicon Europe. Check out our latest Cluster update.

CTT summer update: feedback from working groups and national strategy

With as many as some 50 participants, the five working groups have worked in different frequencies on an initial interpretation for our Twente ambitions (with international allure). We defined bottlenecks and opportunities/recommendations for each working group. This information, together with information coming from the company visits, forms input for the long-term strategy. Behind the scenes work is being done on the building blocks for the ambition and from there names and numbers are linked to the activities to actually realize the ambitions. This is still work in progress. Hopefully after the summer break we can further perpetuate this and share it with the cluster partners.

With respect to the foundry (New Origin), great steps have been taken. The companies are lined up for co-location of production (New Origin and Micronit), pilot line & production as well as for research with MESA+ Nanolab. We are now exploring locations where the shared facilities for prototyping and a SiN pilot line can be placed and where other foundries can make use of it, for example the foundry of Micronit and the users of New Origin. Through allocations from the growth funds, our vision is taking concrete shape. The involvement and willingness to participate/think along with companies is also great here.

Finally, we are working on the national strategic vision. With heterogeneous integration as an underlay, we are building at a national level a strategy where we connect semicon, photonics, quantum and nanotechnology. Equipment is and will remain strong in the Netherlands, so we are focusing on strengthening chip design, pilot lines & production (low and mid volume), Advanced Packaging and Testing. Of course with a good link to or continuing attention for the equipment branch. The strategic vision is the prelude to a possible growth fund application in September 2024. We will come back after the summer to flesh this out further and see what investments we consider necessary and how companies are willing to participate/co-finance this. It’s great to see that our ambitions in Twente also connect seamlessly with national ambitions.

Pitch Competence Centers

On July 5, together with Brainport Development, Oost NL, High Tech NL cluster Semiconductors, Twente Board, BOM, TU/e, University of Twente and TU Delft, we made a pitch to EZK and RVO to claim a national competence center. The aforementioned parties are also jointly drawing up the aforementioned strategic vision. The competence center forms a stepping stone for us in prelude to a growth fund application.

What is important to know is that approximately 2 million per year will be available for 5 years to establish a competence center. The intention is that a CC will, among other things, unlock knowledge around the pilot lines, facilitate access to design platforms and design libraries, and facilitate talent initiatives. The Netherlands will receive European funding of 1 million per year for only 1 CC, and EZK will top this up with another 1 million per year, excluding regional contributions. For us it is a way to get a national team funded to implement our ambitions. It helps us to continue lobbying for international talent, setting up pilot lines, connecting/strengthening the ecosystem and, for example, arranging funding for research programs for consortia. The action lines will need to be explored further with you. Also good to know is that we have now contacted a number of other pitchers to form 1 large consortium. That also looks good, so we have high hopes that our CC will eventually be nominated in Brussels by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Ministry of Economic Affairs.

Participation Semicon Europe through CTT

From November 14 to 17, Semicon Europe will take place. We have booked a ChipTech Twente booth at the HighTech NL booth. Last year we had positive experiences with this. Question is: who wants to man the booth for 1 or more days? Travel and accommodation costs are for yourself, the rest will be arranged. We have through High Tech NL hotel rooms at Leonardo Hotel and Residenz in Munich in option until 13 September, so report to us for that as well. QBayLogic, MESA+, Bruco IC and I will be there anyway, who else will join us?

Questions? Suggestions? Participate in the working groups or join Semicon Europe? Reach out to Marieke Stokkelaar, program manager: m.stokkelaar@chiptechtwente.com.


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